Why Support Honduras?
Honduras is a country blessed with natural beauty – mountains, beaches, warm climate, rivers – and incredibly wonderful people. Unfortunately, it is also a country with great need. While still suffering devastating effects from Hurricane Mitch in 1998, and in 2020 amid the Coronavirus pandemic, Honduras endured 2 hurricanes in 2 weeks, up to 65% of children are malnourished and most do not complete their education beyond third grade. In a country where 50% of the population is comprised of children under 25, our programs focus on the development of the child – meeting their basic necessities AND education – so that they, in turn, can be contributing members of their communities and the country of Honduras.
Friends of Los Niños is a not-for-profit organization with a 501(c)3 designation by the U.S. government. Your financial donations are tax-deductible. Our Directors and Committee Members are non-paid volunteers and 100% of funds collected support our programs and the children in Honduras.
Our Mission & Programs
Friends of Los Ninos was founded in 2004 to aid in the development of children living in Honduras through education, housing construction, spiritual guidance, medical treatment and nutritional fulfillment. With the help of volunteers, we provide programs through donations, the Padrino Program (child sponsorship) and mission trips, which help the community thrive and sustain an enhanced quality of life.
Our Facilities & Location
Copprome Orphanage
COPPROME is a home to over 45 children ages 2-20 years old. The loving staff at COPPROME act as teacher and parent for these children whose families can no longer take care of them. At COPPROME, the kids are provided 3 meals per day, education, English classes, extra tutoring sessions, and a loving community of people to care for them. The children at COPPROME are court referred for many reasons, including, neglect, abuse, and abandonment, to name a few. However, while at home at COPPROME the children receive the care and attention necessary to succeed in life.
Donate to Copprome
Our Facilities & Location
Tutoring Centers
COPPROME supports two tutoring and intervention centers in the poorest barrios of El Progresso. These tutoring center provide afterschool academic support as well as a safe place for the children to stay, while parents are working. The tutoring centers also host the supplies many of the children need to do their homework, but do not have at home, pencils, erasers, crayons, etc. FOLN recently began a Padrino (sponsorship) Program for this COPPROME OUTREACH program. Your sponsorship of a child in this program provides a uniform, school supplies tutoring before or afterschool, as well as an intervention program. Change a life and help these children achieve their educational goals!
Donate to the Tutoring Centers
Brisas Del Salto is a community on the outskirts of El Progreso which was created by a group of families coming together focused on creating a cooperative community which cared for each other and the success of their children. Together with Friends of Los Ninos the community has brought in clean water, electricity and built a small school. During our first visit to the community, the Cooperative Director told our group, “Thank you for coming to visit our community. No one visits the poor.” You now have the opportunity to support this community through a child sponsorship in our Padrino program.